Page Last Updated: 10th Apr 2024

Talks & Presentations
NYRIA Workshop, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille
Illumination Tests of MICADO FCU 14/11/2023
Knowform LLP (Invited)
Astro Podcast: Exploring the Universe 08/10/2021-16/12/2021
Vedantu (Invited)
Equinox Astrophysics Program, Naxxatra Club (Invited)
The Physics of Eclipsing Binaries 24/09/2020
Introduction to Observational Astronomy & Astrophysics 21/09/2020
Science Club, College of Engineering, Pune (Invited)
Eclipsing Binaries: Our Winking Buddies 03/08/2020
Astro Club, Fergusson College, Pune (Contributed)
Effects of CMEs on Earth’s Thermosphere 12/06/2020
Basics of Observational Astronomy 10/12/2019
Introduction to Asteroid Hunting 06/07/2019
Poster Presentations:
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
Effects of Coronal Mass Ejections on Earth’s Thermosphere, [01/2021]
National E‑Symposium on "Cloud and Precipitation Processes"
Fergusson College, Pune
HI 21 cm Line: Significance and Detection, Frontiers in Physics‑XIII [02/2020]
Solar Phenomena, Frontiers in Solar Physics, Frontiers in Physics‑XI [01/2018]
Teaching and Mentoring
Königstuhl State Observatory (LSW), Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Tutor of the MVAstro1.2: Astro-Lab I & II course
Taught more than 100 MSc and PhD students how to operate a 0.7m class telescope for taking astronomical observations during the Astro‑Lab.
Duration: WS 2022-23, SS 2023, WS 2023-24.
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Mentor of the “Eclipsing Binaries” group in the Krittika Summer Projects 2.0
Responsible for exposing and guiding mentees to learn the physics of eclipsing binaries and to analyze the time‑dependent variation in the photometric data from TESS to estimate the absolute parameters of component stars using dedicated physical eclipsing binaries models and Bayesian techniques.
Duration: 07/2021 - 10/2021
Curiosity Space India, Pune, India
Teaching Assistant
Taught introductory astronomy courses to more than 80 high school students.
Duration: 12/2020 ‑ 03/2021